martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

Explanation and ingredients:
Preparation time:
50 minutes, but the time of cooling the cream.
250 g of cream,
250 g of mascarpone cheese,
50 g of sugar,
2 egg yolks.
for wet:
200 g of espresso,
10 g of sugar,
1 cup amaretto liqueur d',
chocolate powder for garnish.

How to prepare:
to make the custard, boil the cream and sugar to
86 degrees. then beat the egg yolks in a bowl. when starting to boil custard, incorporate the bowl as you go stirring. Then put the cheese in a bowl and pour the custard over. stir and let stand
24 hours in the fridge. retire when the cream from the fridge, mount until it becomes creamy.
to the wet mix with brown sugar and add the liqueur d'amaretto. We then cut the sponge fingers with a pastry cutter, soak them well in the mixture and place them on a plate.
and finally, putting
3 tablespoons mascarpone cream in a cup and add the soaked sponge fingers. add another layer of cream and a melindros. Finally, add a tablespoon of cream and leave in the fridge for about
2 hours, when serving sprinkle with powdered chocolate above.


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